The Mother Rivers of China

The Yangzi River and Yellow River are known as the “Mother Rivers”in China. They are the origins of Chinese characters. They are also a symbol of culture with deep meaning where Chinese civilization is rooted in.

This series of "The Mother Rivers of China" posters is made for Caobu Public Library in Guangdong Province of China. They convey a message of discovering with knowledge: read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. The posters combine the spirits of Chinese calligraphy and meticulous painting. The line art composes the Chinese characters of both rivers' names: Yangzi River (长江) and Yellow River (黄河).

Ancient poets expressed the charm of the mother river in beautiful poems. For example:“The Yangtze River is flowing eastward” depicts the flow of Yangzi River from west to east. “The Yellow River is decanting from the sky”depicts the flow of Yellow River pouring from up to down. The custom typography depicts the flowing characteristics of the rivers in a highly symbolic way. The staggered and overlapping form presents the great momentum of the rivers, also shows the origins and beauty of Chinese characters.

The type shows the river and the river forms the type.



  • 海报设计